The Art of Building Power & Self Organisation

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What is it about?
The art of building power and self-organisation is a three day participative and highly interactive workshop blending 2 very powerful practices: The Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations That Matter and Community Organising.
Explore & Practice
How to initiate, design, host and harvest: meetings of any size, gatherings, networks and organisations that are more participatory, inspiring, and creative.
How to improve the quality of conversations by improving the quality of our questions and our ability to listen beyond the words and build stronger relationships.
You will experience some of the following facilitation tools: Circle Practice, Open Space, World Café, Design-Lab, Power Mapping, Pro-Action Cafe, Appreciative Inquiry, Collective Story Harvest, OPERA and more.
Models for understanding how to work with complexity, emergence, reflection and self-organisation, such the Eco-cycle, Chaordic Path, The 8 Breaths of Process Design and more.