Flow Game (Clarity & Flow for your life & work) - Online

2nd Thursday of every month 2021 2pm-6pm (BST)-Online
What is the flow game?

The Flow Game is a powerful interactive tool for reflection, dialogue and action for groups, teams and individuals.
I was created in Denmark by some of the creators of “The Art of Hosting” to bring flow and clarity to people wanting to develop their leadership and entrepreneurship.
Playing will help you, your team or your family explore and connect through powerful questions to reaffirm your leadership and actions.
Since it was created, over 300 hundred Flow Game Hosts have been trained across the world and it is now also being played online by many people wanting to connect and learn together with others regardless of whee they might live.
How does it work?
The Flow Game is an interactive table top game which brings together The Medicine Wheel with Action Learning Sets
Through powerful questions with six different perspectives: leadership, community, vision, action, heaven and earth it will help you explore a deep intention or question you carry, be it personal, professional or or relating to our place or impact in the world.

The Flow Game is played in small groups of 4- 6 people under the guidance of a Flow Game Host as a conversational reflective play process during a minimum of 4 hours and sometimes days depending on the purpose and context. It can be adapted to be played during shorter or longer sessions and with groups of any size. For this open Flow Game, we we will play for 4 hours.
Who is this for?

El Flow Game has three card deck sets for individual, team and family games respectively.
The invitation on this page is to play open games for individuals where you will have the opportunity to play and reflect with a mix of participants from anywhere in the world who will all have different interests and questions to explore
Generally the Flow Game is for people who wish to find clarity and flow in their lives, work, relationships, decisions, businesses and organisations.
If you wish to organise a private game for your team, board of directors, organisation or family, please click below.
What will i gain?
Generate clarity and flow in your life, work or business.
Explore your meaningful questions deeply before making crucial decisions
Harvest wise and transformative actions
Explore and practice supporting others through deep listening and questions
Meet, reflect and connect with other leaders, entrepreneurs and educators from anywhere in the globe
MIERCOLES 1ro de Abril
This participatory virtual workshop will be held on Zoom (more details and instructions after signing up)
How much?
Aporte voluntario - Paga lo que puedas
We invite you consciously to PAY AS YOU FEEL according your privilege or need. Offer what you can and ask for what you need
(low Income)
£100 (Standard Fee+)
(Your generous contribution makes it posible to give access to people on low income to play the Flow Game)
If you wish to play the flow game but because of your economical situation you are unable to pay the Standard fee, we invite you to make an offer and according to the generosity of other participants we will be in touch to offer you a space
Facilitador/ Flow Game Host:

Jose Barco
A Colombian Community Organiser, and Art of Hosting Practitioner. Jose Augusto Barco, is a social entrepreneur based in Bristol, UK and Founder of Community CoLab.
He is passionate about people power, social change and social justice, creating spaces for meaningful participation and collaboration at an organisational and grassroots level.
He understands the complexity of working with diverse groups and communities and his experience includes working with local and national & international organisations as a trainer, group process designer, campaigner and consultant.
Jose is also a founding director of Community Organisers Ltd, a national body supporting the training and development of community organisers in England.
His work is influenced by his creative practices, musical roots and permaculture principles.