Bridge The Gap: Independent Review of Children Social Care, England 2022

Bridge the Gap was a series of highly participatory online events for individuals from across children’s social care who are experts by experience (i.e. kinship carers, foster carers, adoptive parents, birth parents and families, care experienced young people and adults, social workers and other professionals). 

Bridge the Gap was a 3-step process with the purpose of engaging people from across the system to: 

  • Connect with each other and the Case for Change, open up a dialogue around it, gather reactions, and identify gaps. 
  • Explore stories of people’s experience of children’s social care, helping them to move from individual stories into a collective story that identifies key themes. 
  • Create solutions for the whole system by co-creating an agenda of conversations aimed at taking the key themes identified at the Explore event and developing them into solution-focused proposals and recommendations to be fed into the review.


Collective Story Cafes for Foster Carers, Kinship Carers and Adoptive Parents.

Collective Story Cafes for care experienced
young people and adults.

Collective Story Cafe for Birth Parents and

Collective Story Cafe for Social Workers and other children´s social care professionals.

Findings from the final event

Graphic Records

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