CoLab Training

I am an Individual

I want bespoke training for my organisation

Develop skills, practices, tools and confidence for you, your team or organisation . All our trainings are available online and in person.

We offer open and bespoke training & coaching in:

  • Introduction to Community Organising 
  • Listening Skills for Community Organisers
  • Building Power in Community Organising
  • Action for Change Through Community Organising
  • Art of Hosting for Community Organisers
  • International Community Organising Programme online
  • Introduction to participatory decision  making
  • Participatory Budgeting
  • Reflection approaches & practices
  • Action Learning Circles
  • Art of Hosting Training 
  • Practical Introduction to Group Facilitation Online
  • The Art of Tech Hosting Training
  • The Art of Building Power & Self Organisation
  • Making Decisions to Make a Difference
  • The Virtual Facilitator: Tools & Practices for Online Facilitation
  • Training in Open Space Technology & Chaordic Leadership
  • Training in World Cafe & The Diamond of Participation
  • The Circle Practice & The Art of Powerful Questions
  • A Practical Introduction Graphic Facilitation & Harvesting
  • A Problem Posing Approach & Working with Codes
  • An introduction to Dragon Dreaming
  • Reflection approaches & practices
  • The Chaordic Leader: Leading in Complexity
  • Unconscious bias
  • Reflection approaches & practices
  • Power & stakeholder mapping
  • The Art of Generative Listening
  • Strategic Improvisation for organisational leaders
  • Diversity, inclusion & unconscious bias
  • Power, Privilege & Social Injustice
  • Power: expressions, forms & dimensions and why they matter
  • Designing for diversity emergence and convergence

We Train


Community Organisers




Conversation hosts


Organisational Consultants


Anyone interested in learning mental models, frameworks, practices and methods to harness collective intelligence through participatory leadership.
