Community Organising Online Training Program

Connect with people across the world to learn how to organise communities for sustainable change using tools for online collaboration.
Why now? Why online?
There is so much chaos in the world, a lot of disconnection, the conventional ways of working have gone out the window and the need to push for change and maintain strong connections remain.
Meanwhile, people are now expected to connect online and support people in the communities they work in, but they lack the experience and tools to work in this new norm of virtual settings.
Our Yard (London) has teamed up with Inside Hub (Cali- Colombia, TelAviv- Israel) and Community CoLab (Bristol UK) to create this online offer which will provide you the tools & practices you need to organise for change online and face to face.
Los organizadores comunitarios escuchan, conectan y motivan a la gente para construir su poder colectivo.
When people are organised, communities get heard and power begins to shift creating real change for good.
What is Community Organising?
Community organising is the work of bringing people together to take action around their common concerns and overcome social injustice.
Los organizadores comunitarios escuchan, conectan y motivan a la gente para construir su poder colectivo.
When people are organised, communities get heard and power begins to shift creating real change for good.
What's the structure of the program?
This program includes a series of introductory and advanced 1 day workshops design by Community Organisers and translated into 4 Units of 2 sessions each lasting 4 hrs for a total of 8 online Community Organising training sessions + 1 Technological welcome session by Inside Hub/ Community CoLab
Program Intro and Tech Intro to Miro Boards & Zoom:
- All sessions will take place on Mondays 1-5 pm BST (Except for the 30th of October which will be 1-5pm GMT)
- Program welcome and Tech Intro: 4th of September
- Intro To Community Organising: 11th & 18th of September
- Listening Skills For Community Organisers: 25th of September & 2nd of October
- Building Power Through Community Organising: 9th and 16th of October
- Action For Change Through Community Organising: 23rd and 30th of October
There is no baseline knowledge requirement (except basic English, both verbal and written).
If you have already attended the Introduction to Community Organising you don’t need to repeat it, you can join the program from Listening Skills in Community Organising
You will need to join us on Jan 14th for a whole program check in and tech introduction (Zoom, Miro Boards, Google Suite) unless you are a wiz on those platforms already.
Who is this training for?
This training is designed for:
Community organisations, its leaders and workers, council workers, councillors, young people, youth workers, community engagement workers, activists, community artists, community organisers, members of the community and anybody anywhere in the world (with moderate spoken and written english) passionate about creating sustainable change in communities.
Los organizadores comunitarios escuchan, conectan y motivan a la gente para construir su poder colectivo.
When people are organised, communities get heard and power begins to shift creating real change for good.
What will you gain?
Beyond connecting with people’s realities from across the world and practicing the use of online tools for collaboration…
You will learn about:
- What community organising is
- The importance of listening to build relationships and explore issues
- Power in communities and why it matters
- What motivates people to act
- How to take your next steps in community organising
- ‘Relational’ listening and its importance in community organising
- How to plan a listening campaign to kick-start your organising work
- Practical listening tools you can use to engage people, build relationships and find leaders
- How asking powerful questions helps people to tell their stories
- How community organisers reflect to improve their work
- What community organising is
- The importance of listening to build relationships and explore issues
- Power in communities and why it matters
- What motivates people to act
- How to take your next steps in community organising
- ‘Relational’ listening and its importance in community organising
- How to plan a listening campaign to kick-start your organising work
- Practical listening tools you can use to engage people, build relationships and find leaders
- How asking powerful questions helps people to tell their stories
- How community organisers reflect to improve their work
You will explore:
- Your personal power and ability to act
- How power is exercised in society
- What it means to organise for change
- How to begin to pinpoint the causes of social injustice
- How to build power with others through community organising
- What motivates people to take action in their community
- The purpose of action in community organising and different approaches
- Developing a strategy for action
- Developing a power map
- Facilitating and leading collective action
- Reflecting on action
- What community organising is
- The importance of listening to build relationships and explore issues
- Power in communities and why it matters
- What motivates people to act
- How to take your next steps in community organising
- ‘Relational’ listening and its importance in community organising
- How to plan a listening campaign to kick-start your organising work
- Practical listening tools you can use to engage people, build relationships and find leaders
- How asking powerful questions helps people to tell their stories
- How community organisers reflect to improve their work
Whats the commitment?
When you register to this program you will be committing to:
36 hrs online workshops
Practicing your learning in your own time between sessions
Taking home reflective and practical homework of up to 15 hrs total
Doing some prep work: watching how to videos + completing a tech self assessment task and attending our Tech Introduction (for Zoom & Miro Boards) where you will learn and practice how to use these online platforms for collaboration
Making sure you practice in your own time the use of Miro Boards
Reading emails with homework instructions between sessions
According to need or privilege
Pay as you feel
Full Fee+ (You are in a comfortable economical situation and happy to cover your cost and support others with less financial stability to join this training/ or if you work for a large organisation which is paying for your space)
Full Fee – for financially stable participants
Early Bird/ Discounted price- ( Must register and pay before June 15th, 2021)
Concession (You are experiencing economical hardship and are committed to the full programme) (you can pay your concession space in installments if needed) * *limited spaces**
If you are experiencing economical hardship in the UK and the concession price is still to much for you, please get in touch so we can do our best to help you be able to participate.
At the end of this program (open to participants worldwide) you will be issued with a certificate of attendance on request.

All sessions will take place on Mondays 1-5 pm BST (Except for the 30th of October which will be 1-5pm GMT)
Program welcome and Tech Intro: 4th of September
Intro To Community Organising: 11th & 18th of September
Listening Skills For Community Organisers: 25th of September & 2nd of October
Building Power Through Community Organising: 9th and 16th of October
Action For Change Through Community Organising: 23rd and 30th of October
Registration Process
To register you will need to follow this link or click on any of the SIGN UP NOW buttons which will take you to a Google Form where you will need to respond to and submit our questionnaire.
Following this you will receive an email with a further equalities form to fill in and payment instructions.
Your space will only be reserved once you have processed your full payment and sent a receipt of payment to Jose@insidehub.co
Refunds policy
If for any reason you need to cancel your registration after having made a payment, we will refund:
90% if you cancel on or before the 30th of July 2023
50% If you cancel on or before May 30th 2023
No refunds after 30th of July (though you can find someone else to take over your space)

Jose Barco
Organizador comunitario colombiano y practicante del arte de acoger. José Augusto Barco es un emprendedor social residente en Bristol (Reino Unido) y fundador de Community CoLab.
Es un apasionado del poder popular, el cambio social y la justicia social, y de la creación de espacios de participación y colaboración significativos a nivel organizativo y de base.
Comprende la complejidad de trabajar con grupos y comunidades diversos y su experiencia incluye el trabajo con organizaciones locales, nacionales e internacionales como formador, diseñador de procesos de grupo, organizador de campañas y consultor.
José es también director fundador de Community Organisers Ltd, organismo nacional de apoyo a la formación y el desarrollo de organizadores comunitarios en Inglaterra.
Su trabajo está influido por sus prácticas creativas, sus raíces musicales y los principios de la permacultura.

Paulette Singer
Paulette es organizadora comunitaria, practicante del Arte de Acoger con más de 10 años de experiencia, facilitadora de investigación en desarrollo comunitario y jardinera/formadora en permacultura.
Sus frustraciones trabajando en el sector de las personas sin hogar la llevaron a querer conectar localmente con su comunidad y, en última instancia, a convertirse en organizadora comunitaria.
Paulette cree que la mayoría de los problemas sistémicos y estructurales pueden superarse mediante el poder de unas comunidades verdaderamente conectadas y resilientes.
Cofundadora de Our Yard y de la cooperativa de trabajadores Field to Fork, Paulette está muy interesada en las empresas sociales innovadoras y en su papel dentro de las comunidades para apoyar el poder individual y colectivo.

Karime Hassan
Karime es historiadora, urbanista y economista, formadora en Art of Hosting y anfitriona tecnológica afincada en Colombia. Como cofundadora de Sentido Comun Associados.
Diseña y organiza talleres, eventos, capacitaciones y programas en línea y fuera de línea que inspiran mejores resultados en organizaciones y comunidades en América Latina y más allá.
Karime tiene más de 10 años de experiencia en cooperación internacional y con el sector público, trabajando en el apoyo y desarrollo del espíritu empresarial, la innovación en la participación pública y se centra en el desarrollo de modelos conceptuales y conjuntos de herramientas para el compromiso, la colaboración y la acción.